Approved at Feb 24 RAPT Meeting
January 12, 2011, 6pm
Staff Room
Council Present: Lucy Nussis, Co-Chair
Kim Proud, Co-Chair
Buffy Markakos, Co-Chair (from approx. 7:15)
Janin Robertson, Secretary
Staff Present: Susan Adaskin, Principal
Erin Miller, Teacher
Theresa Ryckewaert, Teacher
Absent: Brenda Yabrov, Treasurer
1. Call to Order at 6:10pm
2. Minutes
Minutes received from October 21, 2010 - approved
3. Principal Update
a) Smart Board
There are now three Smart Boards in the school. The third Smart Board was purchased by the Family of Schools (TDSB) and they will also supply mentoring and support for its use. It is a roving board and much easier to move than the other two as it will not need recalibration. It is anticipated that the two Smart Boards previously purchased will stay upstairs (one is currently being used by a Gr 6 teacher) and the new Smart Board will remain downstairs. They are looking into how the other smart boards can be made more efficiently portable however Ms. Ryckewaert indicated it has been found that they are better utilized when they are a fixture in one room
b) TDSB Business
There will be a Panel Discussion with Mayor Ford and Trustee at York Mills Collegiate on January 17, for all who wish to attend.
TDSB has programs for Canada Learning Bonds & student accident insurance. Canada Learning Bonds target low income families and Ms. Adaskin has information on the program in the office for those who wish.
c) Playground
The playground is shut down currently because it is slippery. It will reopen when snow disappears.
The majority of Phase 1 work has been completed. Still to be done includes outdoor classroom and parking lot re-lining which will be done when weather permits in the spring. The opportunity to increase parking spaces has been investigated however the Board has not been supportive of this request
d) Student Reports
The next two Reports will be Achievement Reports with the first coming out on February 16 and will include achievement marks. In the Kindergarten grades, JK’s only will receive a report on February 16.
Interviews will be on an as needed basis on Thursday evening or Friday morning.
e) School Finances
Some scholastic money and non-board funds were shared by the teachers (approx. $360 per teacher) and were used to upgrade classroom libraries and resources
f) Extracurricular Activities
Many activities are going on in the school at lunch which includes: dodge ball, games, guitar, French club, basketball, volleyball, Dance with Judy, and Book Club. Mad Science will begin next week.
g) School Concerts
There will be a Winter Concert on March 3 for students in Grades 3-6. Spring Concert will be held on May 18 for students in Kindergarten-Grade 2
h) Registration
Kindergarten registration for 2011-12 is tentatively scheduled for January 23-24
Rippleton currently has 299 students.
4. School Website
Ernest (parent) gave a presentation on his progress with changes to the school website.
He has been in contact with the representative of Web Services for the TDSB and has found the current system of architecture for school websites to be outdated. It would normally take 2 days to set up a new website but the current system is laid out in a way in which this cannot be done; it is cumbersome and too complex and needs to be much more dynamic. However, Ernest completed a proposed site map to share with RAPT. It includes pages for: Principal’s message, Staff Directory, Forms. Emergency Preparedness, School Resources and News & Updates among others.
Support is needed from the Board to move forward as the TDSB would have to host the site but if received Rippleton could be a flagship school for the site within the TDSB.
RAPT thanked Ernest for his ongoing hard work with this project.
5. Fundraising
a) Direct Donation Campaign
Clancy (parent, Direct Donation Coordinator) gave a presentation regarding the success of the Campaign.
This year, changes to the program needed to be implemented; letters could no longer be personalized due to concerns about access to the school database and privacy laws and an incentive prize (iPod Touch) was initiated to increase response due to low initial returns. In the end, $15,900 was raised this year.
Clancy has tracked the Campaign over the past 5 years. Some key points:
• In the first year, 150 out of 181 families participated and contributed $8200.
• This year 141 out of 225 families participated and donated $15,900.
• Although there has been positive growth in donations, the response rate has dropped from 83% five years ago to 62% now
• The average donation per family however has increased to $113. This could be in part due to the fact that a tax receipt can now be issued for donations
Clancy will be stepping down from running the Campaign and offered some recommendations:
• Campaign should run earlier – perhaps letter should go out in the first week of school
• The student incentive was successful and should be continued
• Keep the donation amounts listed on the letter at the current levels
• There should be increased communication regarding what the funds are used for throughout the year.
b) Other
Comments were received from a parent regarding the amount of initiatives held in the fall particularly after the Direct Donation Campaign. It was agreed that the timing of them was not ideal. Ms. Adaskin proposes a Fundraising Plan be in place for subsequent years to not only focus and spread out initiatives but also to inform parents during the Direct Donation Campaign what efforts will continue and what the Direct Donation Drive serves to prevent. Because of this it was decided not to proceed with a suggested Read-a-thon at this time.
6. Financial Update
Buffy (Co-Chair) provided a brief financial update on behalf of Brenda (Treasurer) who could not attend.
Key points include:
• Sources of cash include: $15,900 from the Direct Donation Drive, $6400 from Pizza Lunch and $2300 from QSP
• Money already allocated includes (but is not limited to): $7800 for Scientist in the School, $900 for Athletic Pinnies, $500 for Grade 6 Graduation
• $13,000 is in reserve and was committed last school year to Phase 1 Playground Improvements
• Total available cash is approximately $14,600
A wish list was received from the teachers and included various book resources (such as Dictionaries and Thesauruses), instruments (recorders and percussion), gym equipment (hockey nets) and media accessories (DVD/VCR player). There was no one large expense item as in previous years. It was discussed, as it was at the previous meeting, that providing the teachers with a specified allotment of funds to buy resources to assist in their classroom learning environment would cover most of the wish list items. It would be expected that teachers would pool resources to enable them to buy a larger expense item to be shared if required.
Motion from Janin Robertson
Motion 2011-01
RAPT to provide $650 to each of 13 classrooms plus $650 for the Gym/Music program and an additional $650 to the Special Education and French Program combined (15 allotments of $650 equaling $9750 in total) to allow teachers to purchase classroom resources
Seconded by Lucy Nussis
7. 2011 Events
a) Open House / Book Fair / BBQ
There is a lot of activity at the Open House/ Book Fair/ BBQ. Perhaps these events need to be separated. Further discussion can occur at the next meeting after further thought.
b) Beach Party
Beach Party to be held at Banbury Community Centre on February 25. This replaces the Halloween Party which was not run as a fundraiser this year. The first floor of the Community Centre is permitted to us from 4pm to 9pm with 12-14 tables. We anticipate the start time of the event to be 6pm. Historically we have charged $10 per family for admission and additional for food and refreshments. This event will also include a Lip Sync.
A call for Volunteers to run the event was made and Stacey Dunn agreed to assist.
8. Next Meeting
Thursday, February 24th, 6pm
9. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm
Submitted by Janin Robertson, Secretary
Approved at Feb 24 RAPT Meeting
January 12, 2011, 6pm
Staff Room
Council Present: Lucy Nussis, Co-Chair
Kim Proud, Co-Chair
Buffy Markakos, Co-Chair (from approx. 7:15)
Janin Robertson, Secretary
Staff Present: Susan Adaskin, Principal
Erin Miller, Teacher
Theresa Ryckewaert, Teacher
Absent: Brenda Yabrov, Treasurer
1. Call to Order at 6:10pm
2. Minutes
Minutes received from October 21, 2010 - approved
3. Principal Update
a) Smart Board
There are now three Smart Boards in the school. The third Smart Board was purchased by the Family of Schools (TDSB) and they will also supply mentoring and support for its use. It is a roving board and much easier to move than the other two as it will not need recalibration. It is anticipated that the two Smart Boards previously purchased will stay upstairs (one is currently being used by a Gr 6 teacher) and the new Smart Board will remain downstairs. They are looking into how the other smart boards can be made more efficiently portable however Ms. Ryckewaert indicated it has been found that they are better utilized when they are a fixture in one room
b) TDSB Business
There will be a Panel Discussion with Mayor Ford and Trustee at York Mills Collegiate on January 17, for all who wish to attend.
TDSB has programs for Canada Learning Bonds & student accident insurance. Canada Learning Bonds target low income families and Ms. Adaskin has information on the program in the office for those who wish.
c) Playground
The playground is shut down currently because it is slippery. It will reopen when snow disappears.
The majority of Phase 1 work has been completed. Still to be done includes outdoor classroom and parking lot re-lining which will be done when weather permits in the spring. The opportunity to increase parking spaces has been investigated however the Board has not been supportive of this request
d) Student Reports
The next two Reports will be Achievement Reports with the first coming out on February 16 and will include achievement marks. In the Kindergarten grades, JK’s only will receive a report on February 16.
Interviews will be on an as needed basis on Thursday evening or Friday morning.
e) School Finances
Some scholastic money and non-board funds were shared by the teachers (approx. $360 per teacher) and were used to upgrade classroom libraries and resources
f) Extracurricular Activities
Many activities are going on in the school at lunch which includes: dodge ball, games, guitar, French club, basketball, volleyball, Dance with Judy, and Book Club. Mad Science will begin next week.
g) School Concerts
There will be a Winter Concert on March 3 for students in Grades 3-6. Spring Concert will be held on May 18 for students in Kindergarten-Grade 2
h) Registration
Kindergarten registration for 2011-12 is tentatively scheduled for January 23-24
Rippleton currently has 299 students.
4. School Website
Ernest (parent) gave a presentation on his progress with changes to the school website.
He has been in contact with the representative of Web Services for the TDSB and has found the current system of architecture for school websites to be outdated. It would normally take 2 days to set up a new website but the current system is laid out in a way in which this cannot be done; it is cumbersome and too complex and needs to be much more dynamic. However, Ernest completed a proposed site map to share with RAPT. It includes pages for: Principal’s message, Staff Directory, Forms. Emergency Preparedness, School Resources and News & Updates among others.
Support is needed from the Board to move forward as the TDSB would have to host the site but if received Rippleton could be a flagship school for the site within the TDSB.
RAPT thanked Ernest for his ongoing hard work with this project.
5. Fundraising
a) Direct Donation Campaign
Clancy (parent, Direct Donation Coordinator) gave a presentation regarding the success of the Campaign.
This year, changes to the program needed to be implemented; letters could no longer be personalized due to concerns about access to the school database and privacy laws and an incentive prize (iPod Touch) was initiated to increase response due to low initial returns. In the end, $15,900 was raised this year.
Clancy has tracked the Campaign over the past 5 years. Some key points:
• In the first year, 150 out of 181 families participated and contributed $8200.
• This year 141 out of 225 families participated and donated $15,900.
• Although there has been positive growth in donations, the response rate has dropped from 83% five years ago to 62% now
• The average donation per family however has increased to $113. This could be in part due to the fact that a tax receipt can now be issued for donations
Clancy will be stepping down from running the Campaign and offered some recommendations:
• Campaign should run earlier – perhaps letter should go out in the first week of school
• The student incentive was successful and should be continued
• Keep the donation amounts listed on the letter at the current levels
• There should be increased communication regarding what the funds are used for throughout the year.
b) Other
Comments were received from a parent regarding the amount of initiatives held in the fall particularly after the Direct Donation Campaign. It was agreed that the timing of them was not ideal. Ms. Adaskin proposes a Fundraising Plan be in place for subsequent years to not only focus and spread out initiatives but also to inform parents during the Direct Donation Campaign what efforts will continue and what the Direct Donation Drive serves to prevent. Because of this it was decided not to proceed with a suggested Read-a-thon at this time.
6. Financial Update
Buffy (Co-Chair) provided a brief financial update on behalf of Brenda (Treasurer) who could not attend.
Key points include:
• Sources of cash include: $15,900 from the Direct Donation Drive, $6400 from Pizza Lunch and $2300 from QSP
• Money already allocated includes (but is not limited to): $7800 for Scientist in the School, $900 for Athletic Pinnies, $500 for Grade 6 Graduation
• $13,000 is in reserve and was committed last school year to Phase 1 Playground Improvements
• Total available cash is approximately $14,600
A wish list was received from the teachers and included various book resources (such as Dictionaries and Thesauruses), instruments (recorders and percussion), gym equipment (hockey nets) and media accessories (DVD/VCR player). There was no one large expense item as in previous years. It was discussed, as it was at the previous meeting, that providing the teachers with a specified allotment of funds to buy resources to assist in their classroom learning environment would cover most of the wish list items. It would be expected that teachers would pool resources to enable them to buy a larger expense item to be shared if required.
Motion from Janin Robertson
Motion 2011-01
RAPT to provide $650 to each of 13 classrooms plus $650 for the Gym/Music program and an additional $650 to the Special Education and French Program combined (15 allotments of $650 equaling $9750 in total) to allow teachers to purchase classroom resources
Seconded by Lucy Nussis
7. 2011 Events
a) Open House / Book Fair / BBQ
There is a lot of activity at the Open House/ Book Fair/ BBQ. Perhaps these events need to be separated. Further discussion can occur at the next meeting after further thought.
b) Beach Party
Beach Party to be held at Banbury Community Centre on February 25. This replaces the Halloween Party which was not run as a fundraiser this year. The first floor of the Community Centre is permitted to us from 4pm to 9pm with 12-14 tables. We anticipate the start time of the event to be 6pm. Historically we have charged $10 per family for admission and additional for food and refreshments. This event will also include a Lip Sync.
A call for Volunteers to run the event was made and Stacey Dunn agreed to assist.
8. Next Meeting
Thursday, February 24th, 6pm
9. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm
Submitted by Janin Robertson, Secretary