Thursday, June 16, 2011

Congratulations Rippleton Track and Field Team

The Rippleton Track and Field Team had an outstanding showing at the City Track and Field Meet.  Five students qualified for the meet after making it through both the Area and Conference Meets.

After 22 years of coaching track and field, Ms. McCormick finally had a student give her a City Championship! and it came in Grade 6 Boys shot put.  Out of the 5 students competing that day, 3 of them had qualified for the shot put - What have we been feeding our kids? :) !

Congratualtions to all the students who showed great sportsmanship at every level.  And a special thank you to Ms. McCormick and the rest of the teachers who helped coach the students before and during school and supervised at the events.

Meeting Minutes: May 31, 2011


Subject to Approval at Next RAPT Meeting

 May 31, 2011, 6pm


Council Present:              Kim Proud, Co-Chair

Lucy Nussis, Co-Chair

Brenda Yabrov, Treasurer

Janin Robertson, Secretary

Staff Present:                    Susan Adaskin, Principal

Erin Miller, Teacher

Theresa Ryckewaert, Teacher

Absent:                                                Buffy Markakos, Co-Chair


1.       RAPT Welcome

Call to Order at 6:18pm

2.       Principal Update     

a)      Items purchased by classroom teachers from RAPT funds

Susan Adaskin presented attendees with a list of items purchased with funds donated by RAPT on a per classroom basis.  This list will be provided as an attachment to this document.

b)      EQAO

·         Grade 6 EQAO will be held on May 31, June 1 & 2 – testing was in progress at the time of meeting.  Feedback was positive

·         Grade 3’s the following week on June 6, 7, and 8

c)       Grade 6

Grade 6 Ottawa trip will occur June 8-10

d)      Trees for School

·         Rippleton has the opportunity to plant 7 new trees at the school at no additional cost to the school or RAPT.  The application is in progress and Susan Adaskin and Brenda Yabrov are in contact with the school board to secure the trees.  These trees will be planted as a part of Toronto’s efforts to increase the canopy of green.

e)      Track Meet

·         Rippleton placed 2nd in our group of schools which is a great achievement.

·         Teachers and Parent volunteers were thanked for their participation.

·         The City conference is coming up – Drivers are desperately needed.

f)       School Grounds

·         It is estimated that the lumber required for the ball hockey arena and tree planters will be approximately $2,000 plus labour.

g)      Other

·         Grade 6 Graduation will be on June 23rd after school.  Scott Morrison from Hockey Night in Canada will address the graduates.  Cake and refreshments will follow

·         Emergency procedures – there are 2 more fire drills to be conducted before the end of school.  The current record for evacuating the building is 1 min, 30 sec.

·         Monday June 27th is play day

·         Volunteer tea – June 15th

·         June 16th – school photo

·         June 29th is the last day of school

3.       Budget / Treasurer Report

There has been no change to our budget since last RAPT Meeting.    It has been decided that we will go ahead with Scientist in the School next year as well as two school performances.  The deposit for next year’s Scientists in the School program is due this month and has been accounted for in this year’s expenditures when estimating the $6,000 balance remaining.  A motion was made and passed to allocate $5,000 to the Master Plan Playground Improvement Fund.

4.       BBQ / Book Fair / Open House

·         The BBQ/Book Fair/Open House was a huge success.  RAPT raised $1622 (after expenses) from this event.

5.       Closing Remarks

 Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm