Saturday, October 22, 2011
Great Job Road Runners!
Halloween Bash: October 28th, St.Elizabeth of Hungary Church

Thursday, October 20, 2011
Agenda for RAPT Meeting: October 20th
the Library at 6pm
1) RAPT Welcome
2) Principal's Report
3) Budget / Treasurer Report
4) Fundraising/Events Update
Halloween Party
School Clothing
Future Events
5) RAPT Meeting Dates for 2011-12
6) Goodnight - Next RAPT Meeting:
(Please refrain from cell phone use during RAPT
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
Subject to Approval at Next RAPT Meeting
September 27, 2011, 6pm
Council Present: Lucy Nussis, Co-Chair
Buffy Markakos, Co-Chair (until 6:45)
Janin Robertson, Secretary
Staff Present: Susan Adaskin, Principal
Erin Miller, Teacher
Theresa Ryckewaert, Teacher
Absent: Kim Proud, Co-Chair
Brenda Yabrov, Treasurer
- RAPT Welcome
Call to Order at 6:06pm
- Principal Update
- Sports
- Grade 5/6 Girls participated in Borden ball yesterday, many for the first time. They won 1 and lost 2 games. Thanks to the volunteer drivers.
- Boys Baseball Conference Tournament will be held Mid October
- Cross country – approx. 60 kids going to Qualifying Meet at Earl Bales. Conference Finals will be held on Oct 12 for the top 40 runners from qualifying race. City Championships on Oct 20.
- School Beautification
- Field has come a long way. The grass seed did not take as expected so sod will be laid and the field will open on schedule next spring.
- Relining of parking lot has proven to work a lot better and is safer.
- Garbage bins have been moved as per Master Plan
- Teeter totter has been removed 3 times. Ms. Adaskin will be following up on the situation. Perhaps it would be in our best interest to get another piece of equipment.
- Student Leadership
Students are being given leadership opportunities within the school. A group of Junior students are serving as Lunch room ambassadors and there will be a Student executive council. This will consist of 4 gr 6's elected by student body in a simulation of the electoral process. They will be involved in school projects and safety issues.
- Eco School
- Rippleton has a Silver Eco Schools status
- Boomerang lunch has been successful at reducing waste and most of the kinks have been ironed out. There is now a bucket for wet waste and Lunch Lady provides a bin for their waste
- Looking for an interested parent for the eco school team
- Fire Drills
- Two fire drills have been completed. Both under 2 minutes
- 3rd will come at lunch time next week
- Lockdown procedures will be practiced in the future
- EQAO results have been received and have been viewed generally, not in detail
- Gr 3 scores show 92% at level 3 and above for reading, 97% for writing, 89% math
- Gr 6 scores show 79% at level 3 and above for reading, 93% for writing, 76% math
- This year the EQAO scores for math decreased both Board wide and Province wide
- Will be looking at scores as a staff. Scores reflect a team effort by the school not necessarily just that grade.
- Other
- Curriculum night was a big success with lots of positive feedback from parents
- We have a new superintendent: Rauda Dickenson. Johanne Messner retired
- We will try to reduce the amount of paper coming home by looking into family groups
- Playground hours are be reconsidered based on parent feedback. There may be small changes to closing time after school.
- Budget / Treasurer Report
Our opening cash is $3000, Revenue from Pizza lunch currently sits at approx. $11,000. We have made the commitment already to Scientist in the School Program for this school year
- First Week Package
- Spirit Wear
Questions were raised as to the costs of the clothing. It was explained that it is not a fundraiser and we are not anticipating a noticeable profit from the sales of the clothing. Its purpose is to increase spirit in the school. Pricing reflects small order size and a 3 colour printing process as well as some buffer in case we do not meet the minimum order.
- Direct Donation
Tony Lee reported that donations have been slow with 62 families having returned their direct donation form so far.
- Follow up on Fundraising Plan
- Halloween Party venue has been booked at St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church. We have the venue from 4-9 on Oct 28th. Looking for volunteers to assist.
- We will be participating in the Bags 2 School program this year. Used textiles can be dropped off at the school on Nov 17 and RAPT will be compensated for the donations we collect
- Questions were raised regarding the Fall Food Drive. The Food Drive was included in the fundraising plan and so it will go forward. A parent volunteer (John) graciously offered to organize it for the following week (before Thanksgiving)
- Elections
All positions have been acclaimed for this year. Buffy Markakos has left her position as Co-Chair and Anthony Chien has joined RAPT in that capacity. The 2011-12 RAPT Executive is:
Co-Chairs: Anthony Chien, Lucy Nussis, Kim Proud
Treasurer: Brenda Yabrov
Secretary: Janin Robertson
- RAPT Meeting Dates for 2011-12
- Next meeting will occur Thursday Oct 20 at 6pm in the library
- Other meetings will be decided at a future date and on a rotating basis between weeknights.
- Other Business
We have received the Grant again this year for Allyson Schaffer. We must determine both a date and a topic. November 2, 8 and 10 are possible dates or else we can look into the New Year.
- Goodnight - Next RAPT Meeting: October 20th, 6pm
Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Good Luck to all the Cross Country Runners

Bags 2 School
Our goal is to collect 1 ton which would raise $200 for the school.
We will only have one drop off day: November 17. Bags will be distributed to students prior to this date for collection.
More information can be found at:
Direct Donation Campaign

Did you know that last year we only had a response rate of 62%. This is down from 83% 6 years ago.
Remember, all donations are entered into a draw for an iPod nano and tax receipts will be issued.