Saturday, October 22, 2011

Great Job Road Runners!

Our Rippleton Road Runners have had a very successful month. 
In Cross Country we fielded a team of 61 runners with 25 qualifying for the Conference Final at Earl Bales Park, including 3 teams: the Grade 2 Girls, Grade 3 Girls and Grade 6 Girls. At the Conference Meet, 8 students qualified to run in the City Championships at Centennial Park in Etobicoke and represented Rippleton tremendously!

The Boys Slo-Pitch Team has also had a great season so far, winning the Conference Championship and heading to the City Championship this week.

Great Job Road Runners!

Trustee Gershon's Ward Forum: October 27th, Beesborough P.S.

Halloween Bash: October 28th, St.Elizabeth of Hungary Church

The Pre-Sale of Halloween tickets has ended but you can still get tickets at the door.

Planned for this year is 'Rippleton's Got Talent' and lots of fun and games.  Pizza and drinks will be able for purchase at the event.

Thank you to everyone who purchased their tickets in advance.  It looks like it will be a great party.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Agenda for RAPT Meeting: October 20th

Please join us in
the Library at 6pm

1) RAPT Welcome

2) Principal's Report

3) Budget / Treasurer Report

4) Fundraising/Events Update
Halloween Party
School Clothing
Future Events

5) RAPT Meeting Dates for 2011-12

6) Goodnight - Next RAPT Meeting:

(Please refrain from cell phone use during RAPT

Friday, October 14, 2011


Subject to Approval at Next RAPT Meeting


September 27, 2011, 6pm



Council Present:    Lucy Nussis, Co-Chair

Buffy Markakos, Co-Chair (until 6:45)

Janin Robertson, Secretary


Staff Present:        Susan Adaskin, Principal

Erin Miller, Teacher

Theresa Ryckewaert, Teacher


Absent:            Kim Proud, Co-Chair

Brenda Yabrov, Treasurer




  1. RAPT Welcome

Call to Order at 6:06pm



  1. Principal Update    


  1. Sports
  • Grade 5/6 Girls participated in Borden ball yesterday, many for the first time. They won 1 and lost 2 games. Thanks to the volunteer drivers.
  • Boys Baseball Conference Tournament will be held Mid October
  • Cross country – approx. 60 kids going to Qualifying Meet at Earl Bales. Conference Finals will be held on Oct 12 for the top 40 runners from qualifying race. City Championships on Oct 20.


  1. School Beautification
  • Field has come a long way. The grass seed did not take as expected so sod will be laid and the field will open on schedule next spring.
  • Relining of parking lot has proven to work a lot better and is safer.
  • Garbage bins have been moved as per Master Plan
  • Teeter totter has been removed 3 times. Ms. Adaskin will be following up on the situation. Perhaps it would be in our best interest to get another piece of equipment.



  1. Student Leadership

Students are being given leadership opportunities within the school. A group of Junior students are serving as Lunch room ambassadors and there will be a Student executive council. This will consist of 4 gr 6's elected by student body in a simulation of the electoral process. They will be involved in school projects and safety issues.


  1. Eco School
  • Rippleton has a Silver Eco Schools status
  • Boomerang lunch has been successful at reducing waste and most of the kinks have been ironed out. There is now a bucket for wet waste and Lunch Lady provides a bin for their waste
  • Looking for an interested parent for the eco school team


  1. Fire Drills
  • Two fire drills have been completed. Both under 2 minutes
  • 3rd will come at lunch time next week
  • Lockdown procedures will be practiced in the future


  1. EQAO
  • EQAO results have been received and have been viewed generally, not in detail
  • Gr 3 scores show 92% at level 3 and above for reading, 97% for writing, 89% math
  • Gr 6 scores show 79% at level 3 and above for reading, 93% for writing, 76% math
  • This year the EQAO scores for math decreased both Board wide and Province wide
  • Will be looking at scores as a staff. Scores reflect a team effort by the school not necessarily just that grade.


  1. Other
  • Curriculum night was a big success with lots of positive feedback from parents
  • We have a new superintendent: Rauda Dickenson. Johanne Messner retired
  • We will try to reduce the amount of paper coming home by looking into family groups
  • Playground hours are be reconsidered based on parent feedback. There may be small changes to closing time after school.



  1. Budget / Treasurer Report


Our opening cash is $3000, Revenue from Pizza lunch currently sits at approx. $11,000. We have made the commitment already to Scientist in the School Program for this school year



  1. First Week Package


  1. Spirit Wear

Questions were raised as to the costs of the clothing. It was explained that it is not a fundraiser and we are not anticipating a noticeable profit from the sales of the clothing. Its purpose is to increase spirit in the school. Pricing reflects small order size and a 3 colour printing process as well as some buffer in case we do not meet the minimum order.


  1. Direct Donation

Tony Lee reported that donations have been slow with 62 families having returned their direct donation form so far.



  1. Follow up on Fundraising Plan


  • Halloween Party venue has been booked at St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church. We have the venue from 4-9 on Oct 28th. Looking for volunteers to assist.
  • We will be participating in the Bags 2 School program this year. Used textiles can be dropped off at the school on Nov 17 and RAPT will be compensated for the donations we collect
  • Questions were raised regarding the Fall Food Drive. The Food Drive was included in the fundraising plan and so it will go forward. A parent volunteer (John) graciously offered to organize it for the following week (before Thanksgiving)



  1. Elections


All positions have been acclaimed for this year. Buffy Markakos has left her position as Co-Chair and Anthony Chien has joined RAPT in that capacity. The 2011-12 RAPT Executive is:


Co-Chairs: Anthony Chien, Lucy Nussis, Kim Proud

Treasurer: Brenda Yabrov

Secretary: Janin Robertson


  1. RAPT Meeting Dates for 2011-12


  • Next meeting will occur Thursday Oct 20 at 6pm in the library
  • Other meetings will be decided at a future date and on a rotating basis between weeknights.



  1. Other Business


We have received the Grant again this year for Allyson Schaffer. We must determine both a date and a topic. November 2, 8 and 10 are possible dates or else we can look into the New Year.



  1. Goodnight - Next RAPT Meeting: October 20th, 6pm

Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Good Luck to all the Cross Country Runners

We have a strong Cross Country team this year that has been working hard for the Qualifying Meet this Thursday. Good Luck to you all - RAPT is very proud of the effort you are putting forth to represent our school. Thank you to the teachers who have done a great job of coaching and to many of the parents who have been coming early to run and to cheer at the practices.

Bags 2 School

RAPT will be participating in a program for the first time called Bags 2 School. We will collect used clothes and textiles which will then be weighed and the school will receive a cheque for our donation.
Our goal is to collect 1 ton which would raise $200 for the school.

We will only have one drop off day: November 17. Bags will be distributed to students prior to this date for collection.

More information can be found at:

Direct Donation Campaign

We are in the last week of our Direct Donation Campaign and have so far raised only $8100 of our $19,000 goal. Please help us reach our goal and hand in your form this week. We would also encourage those who do not choose to donate to the school this year to hand in the form to let us know you considered the cause and help us attain a 100% response rate.

Did you know that last year we only had a response rate of 62%. This is down from 83% 6 years ago.

Remember, all donations are entered into a draw for an iPod nano and tax receipts will be issued.