Thursday, November 17, 2011

Agenda for November 21 RAPT Meeting

Agenda for RAPT Meeting: November 21, 2011

Please join us in the Library at 6pm

1) RAPT Welcome

·         Minutes from Oct 20

2) Principal's Report

3) Budget / Treasurer Report

 4) Fundraising/Events Update

Past Recap:

·         Halloween Party

·         Bag 2 School

·         Gr 6 Fundraising

·         Mitten Tree

·         Holiday Luncheon: Dec 8

·         Allyson Schaffer: Jan 19

·         Skating Party

                5) After School & Lunch Program update

 6) Other

7) Goodnight - Next RAPT Meeting:

                January 10, 2012

(Please refrain from cell phone use during RAPT meeting)


Monday, November 7, 2011

Urgent Call for Volunteers

The Gr 6 Girls Basketball team is desperately looking for volunteer drivers for their Nov 9th Basketball Game.  If you can help our Road Runners please contact the School at 416 395 2810.

Direct Donation Update

Many thanks to all families who donated during the RAPT Direct Donation drive.  To date we have collected $14,514 from 143 families (representing 72% of the Rippleton family population).  Tax receipts will be generated and sent before tax season in 2012.  The winner of the IPOD Nano is Nicole Choe from Mrs. Tam's 2/3 class - congratulations Nicole!  In order to help us direct the funds to initiatives that will best benefit the students and the school, please attend our RAPT meetings and have your voice heard.

QSP Magazine Fundraiser

Support Rippleton Public School and promote reading at the same time.  Our annual magazine fundraiser was launched October 19 and runs until November 9 though you are able to order magazines throughout the year and Rippleton will continue to earn the rewards. 
Every Rippleton student received a package on October 19 containing a catalogue as well as a 'how to' sheet.
*    Shop online-go to .  Our school group number is 9513.  You save the $1.00 processing fee by ordering online.
*    Check out the catalogue.  Fill in the order form.  Please make cheques payable to RAPT.
There are exciting rewards the children earn by ordering subsciptions, see the student package for details. 
The class with the highest number of subscriptions sold will win a pizza party!
Thank you for your support. 
If you have any questions call QSP at 1-800-667-2536.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Minutes of October 20th RAPT Meeting

Subject to Approval at Next RAPT Meeting

October 20, 2011, 6pm

Council Present:          Anthony Chien, Co-Chair

Lucy Nussis, Co-Chair

Kim Proud, Co-Chair

Janin Robertson, Secretary

Staff Present:               Susan Adaskin, Principal

Erin Miller, Teacher

Absent:                          Brenda Yabrov, Treasurer

Theresa Ryckewaert, Teacher

1.      RAPT Welcome

Call to Order at 6:11pm

2.      Principal Update       

 a)      Sports

·         Grade 5/6 Boys Slo-Pitch team has had a very good season.  They won the Conference and will be going to City Championships on Monday

·         Cross Country season has come to an end and Rippleton students had very good results at City Championships

b)      School Beautification

·         Sod is in place and the projection is for the fields to open on schedule in the spring

·         TDSB will be planting 7 trees along the east perimeter of the pavement

c)       Student Leadership

Student Executive Council is now in place.  They will be running the Haunted House at the Halloween Party and will be starting and Gr 3 Intermural basketball league

d)      Eco School

·         “Eco Warrior” student team is in place.  They will deal with recycling and litter issues in and outside of the school
e)      Staffing

·         Interviews have been completed for Mrs. Carter’s leave and Ms. Bansal is the successful candidate.  She has been transitioning into the classroom

·         Interviews will be underway next week for Mrs. Dafos’ leave

·         Mr. Barnes will stay on for the duration of Mme Anna’s leave.

f)       EQAO

·         EQAO results have been discussed among staff

·         Writing will be a the focus for a 6 ½ week educational pathway – this will involve the whole school

g)      Other

·         Mad Science Program has begun at lunch

·         Gr 6 Trip this year will be in conjunction with Owen PS in February. 

·         Family Groups have been implemented to reduce the amount of paper going home.

3.      Budget / Treasurer Report

No change since Sept 27 meeting.  (From Sept 27 Minutes: “opening cash is $3000, Revenue from Pizza lunch currently sits at approx. $11,000”)

4.      Fundraising / Events Update

a)      Spirit Wear

Order period has ended and we will be ordering extra T-shirts to sell at events

b)      Halloween Party

·         There will be a second organization meeting on October 25th at 10 am for those who wish to assist

·         We have had 25 applications for the talent show.  Auditions may be required for some of the acts to be sure they understand what the performance involves

c)       Direct Donation

·         Direct Donation raised $14,464

·         144 out of approx. 198 families participated in the campaign

·         Discussion followed regarding why there is an ‘end’ to the campaign and if donations can be received throughout the year.  Tony Lee (parent coordinator of Direct Donation) indicated to receive a tax receipt from the TDSB we need to have an end date for processing purposes.  Donations past the date directly to RAPT rather than the TDSB are always welcome but will not receive a tax receipt or be eligible for the incentive draw

·         We should look at ways to make it easier for parents to donate throughout the year

d)      Other

·         QSP Magazine Drive has started and will run through to Nov 9

·         No confirmation has been received from Allyson Shaffer regarding a presentation to parents

·         We hope to raise $200 through the Bags2 School program by collecting 150 bags (or 1 tonne) of used textiles

·         Volunteers are looking into venues for February Skating Party

·         Holiday luncheon will occur in Dec.  No date has been set

5.      RAPT Meeting Dates for 2011-12

 Meeting dates for the 2011-12 year have now been set by Council.  They are: November 21, January 19, February 9, April 16 & May 23

6.      Other Business

 There was discussion regarding lunch time program offerings and the possibility of after school programs.  Ms. Adaskin indicated that the after school programs were difficult because of the high number of children who are bused.   Hanna K (parent) offered to look into the program options further.  There was also the suggestion of a Bike Safety workshop for the students.

7.      Goodnight - Next RAPT Meeting:  November 21, 6pm

Meeting adjourned at 7:09pm