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Interested in learning more about our School Trustee, Gerri Gershon? More information can be found on the TDSB website by clicking this link: Trustee Gerri Gershon
Leslie Street Road Resurfacing From Lawrence Avenue East to York Mills Road
Expected Project Start Date: June 24, 2013 Expected Completion Date: November 30, 2013
The City of Toronto will be resurfacing a 2.1 kilometre section of Leslie Street in order to
improve the roadway and keep it in a state of good repair. This project is part of the Council
approved 2013 Capital Works Program.
This work will take place on Leslie Street from Lawrence Avenue East to York Mills Road
and will include both intersections (see map below).
Your co-operation and patience during the construction period is crucial and appreciated.
Construction Details
The construction is tentatively
scheduledto commencebyJune
24, 2013 and completed by
November 30, 2013.
The construction work will include:
• Road resurfacing • Removal and replacement of curb • Removal and replacement of sidewalks where necessary • Replacing traffic signals atTalwood Drive (north leg) • Boulevard improvements where necessary • Extending the centre median island on north side of Lawrence
Avenue East Disruptions
As with all construction projects, there will be noise and temporary inconveniences. In order to complete the work effectively and in a safe manner, some pedestrian and traffic access will be restricted. Every effort will be
made to reduce the inconvenience. The City appreciates your understanding and co-
Road Restrictions
As a result of this construction work, Leslie Street will require temporary lane restrictions to
allow proper staging of work and maintain traffic flow. Sidewalk sections, where there is on-
going work, may be temporarily closed for pedestrian safety. At times, access to private
property may also be limited. The City's contractor will notify property owners beforehand
and make alternative parking arrangements. Where there are multiple entrances to a
property, at least one driveway will be kept open at all times. Access for all services (i.e.
garbage collection, emergency vehicles or any other usual services) will be maintained
throughout the project. Every effort will be made to complete all works under this project
with minimum inconvenience to public.
Boulevard Work
Property owners in the affected area are reminded to remove any privately owned items
from the boulevard, such as planted landscaping, fences, irrigation systems or other
physical features. Please remove these items prior to the beginning of construction in order
to avoid unnecessary damage. The City will not be responsible for damage to any privately
owned items installed on the City’s property.
Work Hours
Work will typically take place from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday with work
after hours and on weekends as required.
City has awarded this road resurfacing contract to D. Crupi & Sons Limited.
For more information:
Project website: www.toronto.ca/improvements
Contact: Ayub Vohra-Bangi, P. Eng. Senior Engineer, avohra@toronto.ca, 416-395-6237
24 Hours: 311, 416-338-0889
Ward 25: Jaye Robinson Don Valley West, Councillor _ robinson@toronto.ca 416-395-6408