Rippleton Parents,
Here is
RAPT's news for the month of May.
Special Lunch Days- As always we are in need of volunteers for Pizza/Burrito lunch
days this month.
The following classes still need helpers at Pizza Lunch this
Williams, D’Angelo, Di Cesare, Fitzgibbons, Wakabayashi.
Sign-up http://www.vols.pt/iuEdFr
We would appreciate it if you could please come help if you are
able, even if your child’s class already has a volunteer. We cannot get the
students their food on time without your assistance.
Lost and Found/Lovable Labels-The Spring Lost and Found is set up in the
front hall. Please check it for your child’s missing items. If you are tired
of your kids loosing their things, you can use our school website to
order Personalized labels www.rippleton.lovablelabels.ca
20% of sales comes back to the school.
BBQ-Fun Fair-Our ANNUAL BBQ & FUN FAIR, is on Sat. June 4th 11-3pm.
In the next few days you will receive a BBQ-Fun Fair Pre-sale
order form. Please return this form and payment to the school no later than
June 20th. There will also be ticket table set up before and after school
from May 24th – May 30th.
Entries for the Fun Fair MAP Drawing Contest are due this
Thursday. This is open to all Gr. 3-6 students. (see the attachment for more
The Annual Bottle Bonanza Drive will begin next week.
We are still looking for Silent Auction Items. If you would
like to donate or know of a business that would like to donate an item, please
email RAPT raptrippleton@gmail.com to let us know.
We will need many volunteers to make the BBQ a fun and
successful event. Use this link to sign-up http://vols.pt/U8ejbU . If you know of any
responsible high school students looking for volunteer hours they are
welcome to sign-up as well. We hope you can get involved.
May RAPT Meeting- Our meeting was Monday, May 9th. The minutes will be posted on the RAPT bulletin board.
That’s all the RAPT news for now.