Monday, February 28, 2011

RAPT Meeting Minutes for February 24, 2011

Subject to Approval at Next RAPT Meeting

February 24, 2011, 6pm
Staff Room

Council Present: Lucy Nussis, Co-Chair, Janin Robertson, Secretary

Staff Present: Susan Adaskin, Principal, Erin Miller, Teacher, Grace Tam, Teacher

Absent: Buffy Markakos, Co-Chair, Kim Proud, Co-Chair, Brenda Yabrov, Treasurer

1. RAPT Welcome

Call to Order at 6:08pm
Minutes received from January 12, 2011

2. Beach Party Update

All 210 tickets sold although there may be a few last minute cancellations which could free up a maximum of 6 tickets but this has been unconfirmed. Setup for volunteers will begin at 4pm with the event slated to begin at 6pm. Lip Sync will include 5 acts involving 9 students. Two acts unfortunately had to be disallowed due to lyric content.

3. Principal Update

a) Performances
Last week the school enjoyed a performance by Cadence. This was performance was funded by RAPT and was extremely well received by the students and teachers. Ballet Jorgenson will be performing at the school on May 11th.

b) Sports
Boys Basketball has finished and all put in a great effort. The Girls Volleyball team has advanced to the semi-finals. The semi-final game will occur at St. Andrews on Monday at 4:15.

c) Enrollment
Kindergarten registration occurred yesterday and today. Rippleton is currently classified as a ‘limited optional attendance’ school which means out of area students are not necessarily admitted however those who attend daycare will be given first priority.
TDSB has given Rippleton a projected enrollment of 318 projected for next year.

d) Staffing
Ms. Zinman, the LTO teacher is will be leaving Rippleton tomorrow as she has met her maximum allowable teaching days in retirement. The new LTO is a Phys Ed specialist and will be starting on Monday.

e) Student Concerts
The first concert will take place on March 3rd for Grades 3-6 only. Due to the limited space in the gym, only 2 guests will be permitted per student. The K - GR2 concert will be held on May 18.

f) Facilities
New doors were installed by the School Board due to rusting and security issues.

g) Trustee
Gerry Gershon will be hosting a community coffee on Tues March 22 at 9:15. The location is yet to be announced.

h) Student Activities
Lunchtime activities are ongoing and include: Dancing with Judy, Guitar Club, Games Club, Choir and Mad Science. Chess will begin soon.

i) Other
Student Achievement reports went out last week.
Newsletter should go out to families next week.
EQAO set for May 30 to June 10
School ‘wish list’ purchases from RAPT funds should be decided tomorrow.

4. Budget / Treasurer Report

Brenda prepared a summary which was read in her absence by Lucy. Total Revenue this year to date is $24,400. Total expenditures thus far this year has been $21,300 leaving RAPT with $3100 in available cash.


Lucy reported that she and Kim attended a PIAC (Parent Involvement Advisory Committee) Session and found it extremely informative. PIAC serves as a spokes-organization for parents and school councils. More information can be found on their website at

6. Other Business

a) Food & Beverage Guidelines
Principal Adaskin brought to Council’s attention new food and beverage guidelines from the school board. This will affect Pizza Lunches and other times we distribute food to the students.

b) Parking
Question was raised about the parking situation. Principal Adaskin and Lucy both advised it was being monitored at present.

c) Fundraising for 2011-12
After a question was raised about school clothing, a discussion occurred regarding beginning the Coordination of the Direct Donation drive and Fundraising plans. This should be discussed at a subsequent meeting after consideration.

7. Closing Remarks

Meeting adjourned 6:55
Next meeting: Monday, March 28 at 6pm

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