Minutes Subject to Approval at Next RAPT
Feb. 1, 2016
2015-2016 Council: Vanessa Appleton, Co-Chair
Sevdalis, Co-Chair
Pellegrino, Secretary (not present)
Kamal, Exec Council Member (not present)
Tinkler, Exec Council Member (not present)
Panagiotopoulos, Exec Council Member
Shin, Treasurer
Abocar, Exec Council Member

1) RAPT Welcome
Call to Order at
6:17pm Location:
Rippleton P.S. Staffroom
Welcome to all
parents and staff.
Georgia motion to
approve Nov 25, 2015 minutes, Amran approved
2) Principal’s
Report – Ms. Chadder
● School Connects operational last week after maintenance for much
of January
● February
Activities: Lots of
activity planned for February and winter months including the many lunch time
programs being run by teachers
● Report cards go home Feb 10, including for JK. SK will not
get one this term. All parents are encouraged to set up interviews with
● Grade 3: Ms. Tam has taken over Grade 3 till end of
school year while Ms Trusca is on medical leave. Report cards for this class
will be delayed to before March Break
● Music Teacher: Ms. Morelli is the new ESL/music teacher,
potentially till end of school year
● Kindergarten
registration is Feb 24 &
Feb 25; 40 pre-schoolers coming from Childcare to JK, additional 20-25 expected
from the community. Rippleton is closed to optional attendance this year due to
high current intake
● New PA Day mandated for April 15
● Staff Meetings: Monthly Principal and Staff meetings to resume
in February
3) Budget /Treasurer
Everything going
according to budget plans
Some teachers can
still utilize their $500 class allowance, if they wish
Wish list on its
way for additional iPads for some classrooms
fundraising will be used toward STEM material
4) RAPT Report
Thank you - On behalf of all parents, RAPT is pleased and grateful to see so
many clubs, sports, activities outside the classroom. A big thank you to the
teachers and staff
Artists in Classroom - $250 is available for each classroom and if
more needed, please ask parents for an additional $2, for example, for the
Arts Performance – vote passed to have a capella group Cadence
perform two shows on Monday March 7 for the second Prologue Performing Artist
Group, after Duffle bags Theatre in December. The cost, $1,586, has been
● Every staff member now has a walkie-talkie in the
classroom and all doors are buzzered so the Main Office as well as Daycare can
let in visitors
● Key Swipe System - Ms Chadder advises that all
teachers have been approved for a potential key swipe system
● Because of proximity to Leslie St, back door must
be kept locked but children can buzz to be let in
Lunch, after school activities
● There are many new lunch time and after school
activities, including guitar. In previous years, RAPT purchased guitars for the
school which are being used in the Tuesday program and the kids love it. RAPT
also helped some of teachers running clubs purchase some of the supplies needed
(puzzles, chess sets, markers, etc.)
● Volunteers for afterschool programs – RAPT is
looking for volunteers to run lunch and afterschool programs. Proposal to poll
parents on programs they would like to see in the Fall 2016 and set up a
committee of parents to organize and run the activities. Proposed to send notes
to parents in Spring about the committee and invite them to attend planning
Fundscrip - has raised $214 so far. RAPT
may keep Fundscrip active for parents to purchase gift cards until the end of
the school year, at which time the funds will be collected from Fundscrip.
Holiday luncheon recap – very successful with a great turnout;
leftovers went to a homeless shelter and fed additional 50+ people, thank you
to all who participated
Mitten Tree – donations went to New Circles which used them to help new Syrian
refugees. Suggestion raised to consider class sponsorship of a family through
New Circles or to have the school adopt three families. Tabled for future
Valentine’s Dance-a-thon – Volunteers needed for the day, Feb 11, and to
help count donations and issue tickets on Feb 17 afternoon. The top fundraiser
from each group gets $50 Indigo gift card from RAPT http://vols.pt/bqfuJc
PROGrant – parent presentation on topic of “Self-Reliance and Resilience” will
be Feb 24, 6-8pm in the gym. Event includes coffee, meet & greet time and
teachers are welcome to attend. Babysitting available for school age kids
Loveable Labels – fundraiser to begin in April, Rippleton gets 20 percent of all
New April 15 PA Day means Friday Sub Lunch is moved to Thursday
April 14. If you volunteered that day, please note change in your calendars
Mail Chimp – account has been cancelled and RAPT has switched to Zoho.
Experimental blast coming shortly
BBQ – will be held
June 4, with a rain date of June 11. All the entertainment we had last year
will be paid for by Ecko Jay Realty this year, except for the Photo Booth which
will be paid for by RAPT
Grade 6 Fundraising
● Last movie night raised $250 from Gr 1-3.
Tentative date for next movie night is April 14 for Gr 4-6
● June 20 is graduation, students have rented
Breakout Studio for the after party. RAPT paid $500 deposit and fundraising
expected to cover remaining $1,000
● $750 had to be paid to Rippleton Public School
for supply teacher to cover Grade 6 trip to Camp Muskoka as school sent third
staff member due to numbers
● Students and staff had a terrific time, enjoying
both outdoor and indoor activities
Other Business
● TDSB Anti-Bully/Pink Day is April 13. Proposal to
use $1,500 Prologue funds to stage something around anti-bullying. Group would
have to be TDSB approved.
● It was agreed suggestions would be sent to RAPT
council for discussion/selection
● Lunch Lady feedback – parents aren’t impressed
with offerings and suggestions sought for an alternate provide.
● Pela will email Halpert Catering which supplies
Daycare and liaise with RAPT
Items to be tabled until meeting
● Organizing planning committee for afterschool
programs and getting more participation
● Lunch Lady
● New Circles sponsorship proposal
Next Meeting Wednesday, April 6, 2016 at
6 pm
Meeting adjourned at 7:28 pm
Contact Rapt
raptrippleton@gmail.com Blog: raptreport.blogspot.com
Facebook: Rippleton Association of
Parents & Teachers
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