Thursday, October 25, 2012

Agenda for Oct 30 RAPT Meeting

Agenda for RAPT Meeting:  October 30th, 2012
Please join us in the Library at 6pm, Babysitting provided for school aged children

  1. RAPT Welcome
  2. Principal’s Report
  3. Budget/Treasurer Report
  4. Social Activity
    1. Ice Skating 
  1. Fundraising/Event Update
    1. Holiday Luncheon
    2. School Clothing
    3. Direct Donation
    4. Used Clothing Drive
    5. QSP
    6. ProGrant
    7. Grade 6 Graduation
    8. Food Drive 
  1. Other
  2. Goodnight – Propose next RAPT Meeting dates:  November 28th, 29th, Dec 5th or 6th

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Attention Grade 6 Parents

A notice went home last week regarding building a team to prepare for the Grade 6 graduation.  If you can help out please be sure to return the form to the school as soon as possible so we can get started on the plans.
Thanks to the parents who were involved with the Used Book Sale which raised funds for the Class of 2013.  With your help and the support of the Rippleton community we were able to raise $500.

Bag 2 School Program

Do you have used clothing around the house that you want to get rid of?

RAPT will be participating for the second year in a program called Bag 2 School.

As a school and a community, we will collect used clothing and textiles.  Based on weight, RAPT will receive a cheque from the organization for our donation.  The organization will then ship the clothing to developing countries.

If you would like more information on this program please see their website:

We will only have one drop off day: NOVEMBER 15th, so please save your used clothes, bedding, towels, etc. until that date to donate to the school.

QSP Magazine Program

Magazine Program

Rippleton families, it’s time for our QSP Family Reading Program!  Please help support our school and promote reading at the same time.
This magazine sale will help raise funds for programs, activities and equipment that benefit our children.  Our school retains an average of $10.00 for every magazine purchased, so every order counts.  Imagine if every family got involved.

·  Receive your magazines 4-8 weeks FASTER! Online orders are processed immediately.
·  Online ordering is EASIER and you save the $1 processing fee.
·  Invite family and friends across Canada to visit via the QSP email feature.

To order magazines online go to, our SCHOOL GROUP # is 9513
Families may work together to earn rewards, but must submit orders together, under one name, so totals will be combined.  Magazine orders placed online during our campaign dates count towards rewards.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Friday, October 12, 2012

Great Job Road Runners!

Congratulations to all the Road Runners who participated in the Cross Country North Conference Championships on October 11th.  We fielded a team of 77 runners and posted some great results  - especially the Primary Boys with a 1st place in Grade 1 and a 2nd place in Grade 2.  Mrs McCormick is waiting to hear which students will advance to the City Championships next week but we are optimistic we will have an impressive contingent despite the small size of our school.

Thanks to all the parents for supporting this activity (especially given the extra curricular interruptions) by running with your child, driving students to the meet or just being their to cheer them on.  And many  thanks to the Staff of Rippleton, especially Mrs. McCormick, for keeping them running.

Direct Donation Drive 2012

Last week you received a letter home as a start of our Annual Direct Donation Drive. RAPT asks families to make a one-time donation each year that will directly contribute to the social and educational development of our children.  This campaign raises the most money for the benefit of our kids and makes a huge difference in the school.  Families will receive a tax receipt for donations over $25.
We hope this year to raise $18,000 through family donations.  To achieve our goals we need the support from each and every family at Rippleton School. Each family donation received will result in one ballot for a draw for an iPod nano (valued at $149).

In 2011/2012 our fundraising efforts paid for the following activities and purchases for Rippleton Public School:
-        Scientist in school;
-        Prologue Cultural Performances;
-        Master Plan Improvement Fund;
-        Computer monitors;
-        Refreshments for Terry Fox & Jump Rope for Heart.

As a member of RAPT you are always welcome at the meetings throughout the year to provide input into how this year’s funds will be spent to better our children’s learning environment. 
Thank you for considering this cause.

New School Website

Did you know the school has a brand new website:

Thanks to Mr. Lott for his hard work on this project.

It is part of the school's effort to go 'paperless' for information.  No more digging in those back packs!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Pizza Lunch

The first Pizza Lunch of the year will be on October 12th.

A limited number of individual slices will be available for purchase at a cost of $2.50.  Availability of these slices is not guaranteed so make sure you got your order in.  Extra order forms can be found here:  
Pizza Lunch Form