Sunday, April 29, 2012

Don't forget the BBQ Event will be held at Rippleton Public School this Thursday, May 3, 2012 @ 5pm.

RAPT Meeting on May 23, 2012

Thank you to those who attended our RAPT April Meeting last week.

Our next RAPT Meeting will be on May 23, 2012.  Agenda of this meeting will be posted on this blog shortly.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Draft RAPT Bylaws

We are required by the TDSB to have bylaws that govern how RAPT functions.  We have been working on these by-laws over the past year and presented a first draft at the February RAPT meeting and a second draft at the March RAPT Meeting.  The final draft which reflects discussions at the last two meetings has been posted on the RAPT Board inside the school as well as below this post. 
This is the Draft that we hope to approve at the April 25th RAPT meeting.  In accordance with these new bylaws, all in attendance at this meeting will have a vote to either approve or reject these by-laws.



(Draft as of April 4, 2012)

I:  Name
The name of this organization is Rippleton Association of Parents and Teachers hereafter referred to as “RAPT”

 II:  Purpose

A.       The primary functions of RAPT are:

                                 i.            To foster cooperation and communication between all members of the school community

                                ii.            To initiate and participate in fundraising activities which support school initiatives

                              iii.            To initiate activities or programs that generate greater cooperation between the parents, community, and the school and enhance the learning environment for the students

                              iv.            To provide a forum to make recommendations to the Principal or to the Board on any matter.  (Reg. 612/ 20)

                                v.            To enhance the accountability of the education system to parents. (Reg. 612/2.1)

                              vi.            To perform other functions as requested by the Principal or as prescribed by the regulations of the Toronto District School Board (hereafter referred to as "TDSB")

B.       RAPT is a resource to the school and the principal.  As it is advisory only, RAPT has some limitations: 

                                 i.            It may not dictate school board policy

                                ii.            It must deal with issues rather than particular person, whether they are administrators, teachers, students, citizens, or parents.

III:  Membership

A.       RAPT Membership shall include parents, teachers, education support employees, and the principal.

B.       For purposes of RAPT Membership, 'Parent Members’ shall be defined as anyone who is the parent or guardian of a student currently enrolled at the school

IV: Council

A.       While all parents, teachers, education support employees and the Principal are members of RAPT, they are not automatically members of Council.  RAPT Council is an elected, decision making body and shall be comprised of the following RAPT members:

                                 i.            Seven (7) voting Parent Members elected by their peers

                                ii.            The Principal of the school (Education Act)

                              iii.            One teacher who is employed at the school, other than the Principal or vice-principal, elected by their peers (Education Act)

                              iv.            One person who is employed at the school, other than the Principal, vice-principal or any other teacher, elected by their peers (Education Act).  If no candidate is available, then the position may be opened to another teacher employed at the school.

B.       RAPT Council may also include one pupil enrolled at Rippleton who is appointed by the Principal, if the Principal determines, after consulting the other members of the Council, that the Council should include a pupil. (Education Act)

C.       Sub-committees of Council may include non-elected members of RAPT but must include at least one elected Parent Member of Council. (Reg. 612/13.2-3)

V: Elections

  1. Election of all Council members shall be held during the first 30 days of each school year, with 14 days advance notice. (Reg. 612/4.4 and Reg. 612/12.4)

  1. Peer election shall be used to select RAPT Council. Only Parent Members of RAPT will elect Parent Members of Council and only Staff members of RAPT will select Staff members of Council

  1. Elections of Parent Members of Council shall be by secret ballot. (Reg. 612/4.8)

  1. A person is qualified to vote for Parent members of Council if he/she is a parent of a student who is enrolled in the school and thereby a member of RAPT. (Reg. 612/4.3)

  1. A person is qualified to stand for election to Council as a Parent Member if he/she is a parent of a pupil who is enrolled in the school. (Reg. 612/4.1)

                                 i.            TDSB employees who stand for Council election as Parent Members at Rippleton but do not work at Rippleton must disclose their employment with the Board. (Reg. 612/3.5, 4.2)

                                ii.            TDSB employees who work at Rippleton are not eligible for election as Parent Members to Council (Reg. 612/3.5, 4.2)

                              iii.            A TDSB Trustee is not eligible for election to RAPT Council. (Reg. 612/3.6)

  1. The term of office is one year.  Members may be re-elected for more than one term but must stand for election each year. (Reg. 612/6.1)

  1. A mid-term vacancy in the membership of a Council shall be filled by election, by appointment by the principal, or be left vacant provided the total number of Parent Members of Council is not less than 5

 Article VI:  Officers

A.       The officers of RAPT Council shall be the Principal, a Chair (or 2 Co-Chairs), a Treasurer, and  Secretary

B.       With the exception of the Principal, all Officers shall be Parent Members of Council and shall be elected by Council members at the first meeting of Council. (Reg.612/7.1)

C.       TDSB employees, regardless of their place of employment are not eligible to be Chair or Co-chair of Council. (Reg. 612/8.3)

D.       Vacancies in the Position of any officer shall be filled by election of another Council Member

E.        Signing Officers of RAPT shall not exceed three (3) and include the Treasurer, the Principal and a parent member of Council with the greatest seniority

Article VII:  Roles of the Principal and Council Members

A.       The Principal

                                 i.            Act as a resource person to the school council, and assist the council in obtaining information relevant to its functions, including information relating to relevant legislation and policies.  (Reg. 613/20)

                                ii.            Solicit the views of the school council with respect to:

a)       School policies and guidelines that relate to student achievement, code of conduct, or to the accountability of the education system to parents.

b)       New education initiatives that relate to students or to the accountability of the education system to parents.

c)       School action plans for improvement based on EQAO results and communication of those plans to the public. (Reg. 613/1-3)

                              iii.            Consider each recommendation made by the council and advise the council of the action taken in response to the recommendation.  (Reg. 613/18)

                              iv.            Distribute the school council's annual report to every parent/guardian and post it in an accessible location.  (Reg. 613/24.3)

                                v.            Distribute materials intended for school councils from the Ministry of Education to Council

                              vi.            Give written notice of the elections to parents at least 14 days before the election and post such notice in an accessible location.  (Reg. 612/6 & 7)

                             vii.            Attend every meeting of the school council.  (Reg. 613/3.16)

                           viii.            Appoint all non-elected Council members when necessary

                              ix.            Encourage leadership from within the Council and assists in training members in leadership skills

                                x.            Arrange for presentations of interest to the Council

B.       Chair or Co-chairs

                                 i.            Work closely with the Principal and Council to plan each meeting and establish an agenda in time to notify the school community of the purpose of each meeting

                                ii.            Calls the meetings to order, maintains order, and sees that the meeting is properly adjourned

                              iii.            Sees that minutes are taken, prepared, read, approved and properly filed in the school

                              iv.            Sees that financial reports are prepared, read, approved and properly filed in the school

                                v.            Acts as an impartial, conscientious arbiter of discussion and debate, and insists on fairness in the actions and debate of the members

                              vi.            Assists in organizing and overseeing all social and fundraising activities

C.       The Treasurer

                                 i.            Keeps accurate and complete financial information and files them for inspection. 

                                ii.            Prepares a budget and income statement on a regular basis that shall be provided to the principal for the school file. 

                              iii.            Files the annual School Council PSAB Report with the TDSB.

D.       The Secretary

                                 i.            Keeps accurate and complete minutes and files them for inspection.  A copy of the minutes should be provided to the principal for the school file.

                                ii.            Keeps accurate records of Council membership, attendance, duties and special assignments

E.        Parents Members of Council

                                 i.            Act according to established procedures by making suggestions and recommendations representative of the views of parents, citizens and community organizations of the school community

                                ii.            Participate regularly in School Council meetings and carry out council assignments

                              iii.            Assist in  organizing and overseeing social and fundraising activities

                              iv.            Become knowledgeable about personnel and material resources of the school and community and the school’s education program

                                v.            Act as resource persons for Council, especially in the solutions of community-related problems which affect the school and its students

                              vi.            Assist in obtaining community resources to aid the school’s education program

                             vii.            Serve as a communication link between Council, the community and the school

                           viii.            Participate in activities aimed at obtaining parent and community support and assistance for school related programs 

F.        Staff Representatives of Council:

                                 i.            Act as members of the Council to represent the views and interest of the school staff

                                ii.            Participate regularly in Council meetings and carry out Council assignments

                              iii.            Act a resource person for the Council by making available specialized information about the educational programs, innovative ideas, and available resources

                              iv.            Assist in identifying community resources which can aid in the school’s educational programs

                                v.            Serve as a communication link between the Council and the school staff, and keep the staff informed of actions and activities of the Council

                              vi.            Participate in efforts to encourage school staff support for goals and activities of the Council

VI:  Committees

A.       The Council may create such committees as necessary to carry on the work of the council. 

B.       All sub-committees of Council shall have at least one member of Council

VII:  Meetings

  1. A majority of the Parent Members of Council and the Principal must be present to have a duly constituted meeting of RAPT (quorum).   (ie: In the case of 7 parent members, 4 must be present)

  1. The first meeting of RAPT shall be held within 35 days of the school year on a date set by the principal.

  1. Each elected member of the Council is entitled to one vote.  The Principal and non-Council members of RAPT are not eligible to vote at meetings.

  1. All RAPT meetings shall be open to the public, at a location accessible to the public, and a time when parents and staff can attend. (Reg. 612/12.4)

  1. RAPT meetings shall be held as often as necessary to perform its duties, but no less than four (4) times per year. 

  1. An agenda for any RAPT meeting will be made available to all RAPT members prior to the meeting

  1. Any member of Council who has missed three (3) consecutive meetings may be removed from Council by a majority vote

VIII:  Amendments to Bylaws

A.       These bylaws shall be amended at any regular meeting of RAPT by a majority of the membership of RAPT who are in attendance, with prior notice to the membership.

B.       The amendment shall become effective immediately upon passage.

IX:  Ratification of Bylaws

These bylaws of RAPT will be ratified at a regular meeting of RAPT by a majority of the membership of RAPT who are in attendance, with prior notice to the membership.