Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Three Things You Missed at the Last RAPT Meeting

TDSB is planting a few trees at our school by the end of this school year. The school will need volunteers  to water the trees over the summer. The young trees need to be watered weekly, otherwise they will not survive the summer. The janitors at our school will supply the hose for watering, and help us as needed. If you are able to help out for one or two weeks during the summer, please let RAPT or Ms. Adaskin know.

The teachers and students raised a monetary donation to help the Philippines through their crisis. Thank you to all the staff, parents and students for heir generous donations.

The Prologue performance, Tribal Vision, was a great success. As always, the students enjoyed the performance, which was funded by parents' donations to the school through RAPT. Their will be one more performance later this year.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

On November 27th, speaker, author, psychotherapist and parenting expert Alyson Schafer will be presenting at Rippleton P.S.

Parents from Rippelton and it's surrounding are welcome to join us in learning about "The Joys + Fears of the Teen Years".

The event will be held at the Rippleton school's gym from 6:00 till 8:00 pm.

We hope to see you all there.

Alyson Schafer Event Flyer

Friday, November 15, 2013

Holiday Luncheon

RAPT's annual teacher appreciation holiday luncheon is scheduled for December 5th, 2013, from 11:30 till 12:30 pm.

Teachers and parents are invited to join the luncheon and socialize with the teachers and school staff. The teachers and parents will share a pot luck luncheon organized by RAPT; dishes are donated by the parents.

As always, all food donations must be nut free.

Social events help keep our school spirits positive, vibrant and productive.

We hope you'll join us for lunch.


Agenda for Next RAPT Meeting

Our next RAPT meeting is on November 21, 2013. The meeting will be held in the library at 6:00 pm. Babysitting will be available for school aged children.

All Rippleton parents are members of RAPT; please join us.

The following is the link for the agenda of next week's meeting:

Agenda For RAPT Meeting on Nov. 21, 2013

We hope to see you there.


Thursday, November 7, 2013

QSP Magazine Fundraiser

QSP Christmas Gifts & Prize Draw Deadline is Fast Approaching!

QSP is a magazine fundraising program; you can order as many magazines as you 
want at a  discounted price and Rippleton School will get a portion of the sale 
from every magazine subscription.

The deadline for ordering magazine subscriptions as Christmas gifts is November 
18th. QSP will send a card to those people who are receiving a magazine 
subscription as a Christmas gift.

Order by November 18th and you will also qualify for prizes.

Order on-line, all year long, at QSP.ca; don't forget to enter our school group 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Minutes of October 15, 2013 RAPT Meeting

On October 15, 2013, RAPT held its second annual meeting. If you would like to read about what was discussed at the meeting, please click the link below.

Minutes of October 15, 2013 RAPT Meeting

Next RAPT meeting is on November 21st, at 6 pm. Babysitting will be provided for school aged children.

We hope to see you then.


Monday, October 28, 2013


Do you need to clean-up your kids closets?
Do you have too many unused bedsheets and towels?

De-clutter you house by donating any fabric material items, including shoes, clothes, curtains, bedsheets, towels... And at the same time help those in need with your generous donations

Place the items in the Bag2School bags sent home (more available at the office), or any other bag.
Drop them off on November 13 and 14; those are the same days as the parent teacher interviews, so bring them with you as you come in for the parent teacher interviews.

Based on the total weight donated, the school will get a percentage back in dollar value.

Thank you Rippleton parents.

Upcoming Halloween Party

On October 31, 2013, RAPT is planning a Halloween party for the students at Rippleton P.S.
The party will be held during school hours, from 1:00 pm till 3:00 pm, at the gym. We would like to thank Sergio (Sofia's Father) for volunteering his DJ services and experience. We would also like to thank all the parents who donated candy, decorations and their time to decorate, supervise or clean-up. And finally, we would like to thank the daycare for being flexible with their time at the gym for that afternoon.

Three Things You Missed From The October 15 RAPT Meeting

On October 15, 2013, the second RAPT meeting was held at the library in Rippleton P.S.

The minutes from that meeting will be posted soon. In the meantime, here are three things you missed:

1. Ms. Adaskin listed a few IT needs for the school such as a second WiFi unit. The total cost of the IT needs was approximated at $9,000. RAPT approved $9,000 to be paid to the school in order to cover the IT list. The money was deducted from the 2013-2014 Direct Donation fundraising campaign.

2. Over the past three years, RAPT has been saving for the Master Plan of the school which includes the play scape and the areas surrounding the school. To date, RAPT has saved $33,000. During the meeting, the money was approved to be used to complete the Master Plan.

3. The Direct Donation Drive for this year has raised $16,154. Thank you to all the parents for their generous donations.


Monday, October 14, 2013

Agenda for RAPT Meeting

Please join us for the second RAPT meeting of the year on October 15th, 2013. The meeting will be held in the library at 6:00  pm. Babysitting is available for school aged children.

Please find below the agenda for the meeting.


Agenda for RAPT Meeting: October 15, 2013
Please join us in the Library at 6pm, Babysitting provided for school aged children

1) RAPT Welcome (introduce new council members)
2) Approve Minutes from September 25, 2013
3) Principal's Report
a)      Direct Donation revenue: fund IT school needs?
b)      Play scape
c)       Master Plan: Phase 2 - running track
4) Budget / Treasurer Report
5) Social/Fundraising Calendar
a)      Direct Donation – iPod winner
b)      Used Book Sale results 
c)       Halloween Party
d)      Dance-a-thon (discuss DJ)
e)      Holiday Luncheon
6)  Progrant (confirm date)
7) BBQ / Daycare Involvement
8) Other Business
9) Goodnight - Next RAPT Meeting:

(Please refrain from cell phone use during RAPT meeting)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The first RAPT meeting of 2013-2014 was held on September 25, 2013. If you would like to read about what was discussed, please review the Minutes link below.

Minutes from September 25, 2013 RAPT Meeting

Next RAPT meeting is on October 15, 2013. All parents welcome. Babysitting for school aged children available.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Food Drive

It is time for the Food Drive! Empty boxes are placed around the hallways of Rippleton school waiting to be filled with food donations. Students are asked to bring non-perishable items such as cans, cereal, and pasta. The Food Drive runs until October 18th, 2013.

Friday, September 27, 2013

2013-2014 RAPT Council

On September 25th, the new RAPT council was elected by the Rippleton School parents who attended the meeting.
The members are: Yin-Chai Cheah, Hanna Kamal, Tony Lee, Buffy Markakos, Kelly Pelligrino, Krista Sevdalis and Brenda Yabrov.
We would like to thank all the parents who attended the meeting and cast their votes. We would also like to thank all the parents who were nominated for the election.
We are looking forward to serving our students and enriching our school.


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

2013-2014 Fundraising & Social Calendar

RAPT establishes a fundraising and social calendar in April of every year for the next school year. If you would like to see what is planned for the year 2013-2014, please click on the following link.
2013-2014 Fundraising & Social Calendar

Monday, September 23, 2013

Agenda for RAPT Meeting: Sept 25th

Please join us in the Library at 6pm, Childcare provided for school aged children

1)     RAPT Welcome
·       Introduction of 2012-13 (last years) Council
·       Minutes from May 1st, 2012

2) Principal's Report

3) Budget / Treasurer Report
4) Social/Fundraising Calendar

·       Direct Donation
·       Pizza Lunch
·       Used Book Sale
·       Terry Fox
·       Food Drive
·       QSP
·       Used Clothing
·       ProGrant

                  5) Elections
·       Introduction of new Staff Members of Council
·       Introduction of Parent Members candidates
·       Election (by secret ballot - results to be determined at the end of the week)

7) Other Business

8) Goodnight - Next RAPT Meeting:

(Please refrain from cell phone use during RAPT meeting)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Prologue Performing Arts

Last year, RAPT funded two visits to Rippleton by Prologue to the Performing Arts.

Prologue is an organization that has been bringing diverse live performing arts experiences into schools and communities across Ontario for over 46 years.  They offer a wide variety of performances including music, dance, theatre, puppetry, opera and storytelling.

Last year's performers were:

TorQ Percussion Quartet:  Musical Exploration Through Drumming
Menaka Thakkar Dance Company: Classical Indian Dance and Storytelling
A video of part of their performance:  http://youtu.be/SC0shANB5v8

The students loved these performances.
Prologue excerpt from Menaka Thakkar - Prince Rama in the Wilderness

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Used Books Wanted

Grade 6s are looking for donations of slightly used books to support their fundraising for the grade 6 graduation.
Please drop off the books the week of September 16th at the office.

Friday, September 6, 2013

TDSB Website

The TDSB has a new and much improved website.  If you haven't had a chance, please check it out at www.tdsb.on.ca.

RAPT Nominations Close Sept 18th

In accordance with our By-Laws, the Rippleton Association of Parents & Teachers (RAPT) will elect a new council for the 2013-14 school year on September 25th, 2013.

Although all parents are member of RAPT and are encouraged to attend RAPT meetings, only those elected to RAPT Council have a vote on RAPT matters.  RAPT Council consists of the Principal, two voting staff members determined by their peers and seven voting elected parent members.

Parent members are elected to RAPT for a term of one year however there is no limit to the number of years you can be elected to RAPT Council provided you are the parent or guardian of a student at the school.  For this coming year, there are a number of current Council members who are ineligible to continue on RAPT Council for this reason and we are excited about the opportunity to add new, fresh faces and ideas to the team. Nominations opened last June and will close on September 18th.

If you are interested in the opportunity to serve the school in this capacity please fill out a self nomination form and return to the school by September 18th.  Or, if you know someone who would be a great addition to the team, please consider filling out the alternate nomination form.  Links to both forms can be found below.

Once the RAPT Council has been elected, the Council themselves will determine the Executive positions.  They may choose to determine these by skill set, volunteer history on RAPT and/or willingness to serve in that capacity.

Please contact the school or comment to this post if you have any further questions.

Thank you

Monday, August 26, 2013

Welcome Back Coffee

Welcome Back Coffee

1st day back to school

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

8:30 am

for all Rippleton Families

Please join us for a “Welcome Back to School Coffee” after you drop off your child at school in the morning.  This is a great way to meet other Rippleton families!

compliments of Rippleton’s Parent Council "RAPT"

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Scientists in School

Did you know that part of RAPT's fundraising dollars support the Scientists in School program for Rippleton.  Every year, each student at Rippleton has the opportunity to be scientists for part of the day.
Your direct donation support enables us to bring in programs like this to support classroom learning.

You can find more information on Scientist in the School here: Scientists in School

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Moving On?

Do you have a student that is moving on to St. Andrews or Windfields this September?  We are sorry to see you go but here are the links to our Family of Schools Middle Schools:

St. Andrews Parent Council

Windfields Parent Council

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

QSP Magazines

Just a reminder that you can order magazines throughout the year from QSP and a portion of the sales will support Rippleton. Just log in to: www.qsp.ca.  Our group code is: 9513

Thanks for you ongoing support.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Link for our TDSB School Trustee

Interested in learning more about our School Trustee, Gerri Gershon?  More information can be found on the TDSB website by clicking this link: Trustee Gerri Gershon

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

School Year Calendar

The TDSB has established the school year calendar for 2013-14.  Please check out the TDSB website for more information or use this link:

TDSB 2103-14 School Year Calendar - Elementary

Friday, July 5, 2013

Leslie Street Road Resurfacing

page1image592June 5, 2013.
Construction Notice
Leslie Street Road Resurfacing
From Lawrence Avenue East to York Mills Road
Expected Project Start Date: June 24, 2013
Expected Completion Date: November 30, 2013

The City of Toronto will be resurfacing a 2.1 kilometre section of Leslie Street in order to improve the roadway and keep it in a state of good repair. This project is part of the Council approved 2013 Capital Works Program.
This work will take place on Leslie Street from Lawrence Avenue East to York Mills Road and will include both intersections (see map below).
Your co-operation and patience during the construction period is crucial and appreciated.

Construction Details
The construction is tentatively scheduledto commencebyJune 24, 2013 and completed by November 30, 2013.
The construction work will include: Road resurfacing
Removal and replacement of curb
Removal and replacement of sidewalks where necessary
Replacing traffic signals atTalwood Drive (north leg)
Boulevard improvements where necessary
Extending the centre median island on north side of Lawrence Avenue East

As with all construction projects, there will be noise and temporary inconveniences. In order to complete the work effectively and in a safe manner, some pedestrian and traffic access will be restricted. Every effort will be made to reduce the inconvenience. The City appreciates your understanding and co- operation.

Road Restrictions
As a result of this construction work, Leslie Street will require temporary lane restrictions to allow proper staging of work and maintain traffic flow. Sidewalk sections, where there is on- going work, may be temporarily closed for pedestrian safety. At times, access to private property may also be limited. The City's contractor will notify property owners beforehand and make alternative parking arrangements. Where there are multiple entrances to a property, at least one driveway will be kept open at all times. Access for all services (i.e. garbage collection, emergency vehicles or any other usual services) will be maintained throughout the project. Every effort will be made to complete all works under this project with minimum inconvenience to public.

Boulevard Work
Property owners in the affected area are reminded to remove any privately owned items from the boulevard, such as planted landscaping, fences, irrigation systems or other physical features. Please remove these items prior to the beginning of construction in order to avoid unnecessary damage. The City will not be responsible for damage to any privately owned items installed on the City’s property.

Work Hours
Work will typically take place from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday with work after hours and on weekends as required.

City has awarded this road resurfacing contract to D. Crupi & Sons Limited.

For more information:
Project website: www.toronto.ca/improvements
Contact: Ayub Vohra-Bangi, P. Eng. Senior Engineer, avohra@toronto.ca, 416-395-6237

24 Hours: 311, 416-338-0889

Councillor Ward 25: Jaye Robinson Don Valley West, Councillor _ robinson@toronto.ca 416-395-6408 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

RAPT Council Nominations 2013-14

Dear Rippleton Parents/Guardians:

In accordance with our By-Laws, the Rippleton Association of Parents & Teachers (RAPT) will elect a new council for the 2013-14 school year on September 25th, 2013.

Although all parents are member of RAPT and are encouraged to attend RAPT meetings, only those elected to RAPT Council have a vote on RAPT matters.  RAPT Council consists of the Principal, two voting staff members determined by their peers and seven voting elected parent members.

Parent members are elected to RAPT for a term of one year however there is no limit to the number of years you can be elected to RAPT Council provided you are the parent or guardian of a student at the school.  For this coming year, there are a number of current Council members who will be ineligible to continue on RAPT Council and we are excited about the opportunity to add new, fresh faces and ideas to the team.

If you are interested in the opportunity to serve the school in this capacity please fill out a self nomination form and return to the school as soon as possible.  Or, if you know someone who would be a great addition to the team, please consider filling out the alternate nomination form.  Links to both forms can be found below.

Once the RAPT Council has been elected, the Council themselves will determine the Executive positions.  They may choose to determine these by skill set, volunteer history on RAPT and/or willingness to serve in that capacity.
Please contact the school or comment to this post if you have any further questions.

Thank you,